Well for me there are several:

1. When I was six I got my first game system.....Atari 2600

2. When I was about 9 or so, I had my first girlfriend....it lasted a whole lunch period

3. My teens were uneventful....other then getting in a fight with one of my teachers senior year, that made me popular for a whole week until I went back to the comfort of the dark and lonely corner of every classroom

4. Joined the Marines in `96....which scared the crap out of me. Got my head shaved and was butt naked getting yelled at

5. Shot an M1A1 Abrams during a desert excercise in `97

6. S. P. I. E. rigged off an LHD (looks like a small aircraft carrier). Basically your suspended on a rope attached to helo and you pretty much dangle there roughly 200-300 ft off the ground or in this case water.

7. Got married in `98 to my long time girlfriend :HOT

Many other but mostly military stuff.....I honestly wish I had more memories outside of my career but as I'm sure a lot of are in the same boat. My wife probably knows what they are so I'll ask her tonight. Alright someone else's turn
Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 25, 2003
Exciting moments?
Apart for the usual, marriage, etc.....2.02 pm Sunday of each year's Australian Formula One GrandPrix.
First lap, when anything is likely to happen and I have to 'observe' it. The combined noise of 22 [these days] of the world's most sophisticated motor vehicles as they all attempt to get through the same corner ahead of as many of their rivals as they can....at insane speeds and proximity...while I attempt to keep track of exactly who hits what [and why], as pieces of exotic machinery are 'reshaped' by other exotic machinery. Then, I have a minute or two to pen an incident report before whatever's left of them is back again, trying to get ahead of whoever else is still there.
Approx 2 hours later, I relax...
on Feb 25, 2003
When I was 16, I got my first stereo
When I was 17, I got my first laptop
When I was 19, I enrolled into University of Houston
When I was 19, I met my boyfriend
When I was 20, I built my first PC

Can't say much about 21 cause I've only been that for one day

on Feb 25, 2003
I've always wanted to see that grand prix live. Now I'm extremely jealous

Happy belated B-day......Elfkura
on Feb 25, 2003
And here I thought I wouldn't get anymore b-day wishes cause it's over
on Feb 25, 2003
18: moving back to my home country
19: meeting my present wife (1st gf too actually)
25: first kid, buying my first and till date only house, getting my first pewter
28 getting internet access at home
29: second kid arrived
30: turning 30....
31: getting my trucking license + becoming admin at Skinbase.org
33: becoming admin at Skinz.org
on Feb 26, 2003
1972: BKB walks out of gold shop in Nong Khai, Thailand. Passing Pathet Lao terrorist swings a 45 auto into his face and pulls trigger. Hollow Click! Thai army shoots PL terrorist, retieves bullet from chamber of the 45, and gives it to BKB for a good luck piece. excitement /= fun sometimes.
on Feb 26, 2003
I've been jinxed 10 years apart for that...

the first time I looked into each of my childrens eyes and they seemed so interested in life

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on Feb 26, 2003
jinxed as in speaking the same thing at the same moment, but having the same exact feelings, thoughts years apart during exactly similar situations.

needed to clarify that people would think, well heck he hates his kids of something...

thought I came close once, my son got in my Rollaway and worked on his BMX bike with his friends and they took off with a set of Snap-on Line wrenchs intending to bring them back, never did though... grrrrrr

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on Feb 26, 2003
BKB I have a similiar story but it envolved a drug raid and some shooting but really similiar.
on Feb 26, 2003
I hate it when I raid someone's drugs and they shoot at me....

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on Feb 26, 2003
Well I wasn't the one getting shot at, kinda still under hush hush about all the details but if y`all didn't know drug enforcement along the Mexican border is how a Marine spends his summer sometimes
on Feb 26, 2003
'drug enforcement'...."Now listen up, kiddies...you WILL take those drugs, or else!"...
on Feb 26, 2003
No Jafo!!! The other way around!!!! HAHA
on Feb 26, 2003
Most exciting? that would be hard to judge, and in some cases, dangerous to reveal. but I'll give it a shot...

Right after I was born, must've been less than a couple months, a beautiful woman bathed in blue light came to my crib, smiled, welcomed me to my life, and then gave me a puzzle. It was wrapped in a paper bag. She put it in the crib and said "This is your puzzle, it won't be easy to figure it out but stay with it and you'll get it." I never forgot that and as soon as I could talk I started asking my parents where my puzzle was. They thought I was crazy... I can still see her like it was yesterday.

In the sixties (too many to list so I'll pick one) I went to a Doors concert at the Hollywood Bowl with my girlfriend. I wound up in a stand-off with about a thousand cops right there in the upper section of seats. The aisle filled up with cops and soon the whole arena was solid police everywhere. Jim Morrison stopped the concert and asked everybody to calm down and after a while the police disperssed and the concert continued. It was all over a misunderstanding (and a stupid act by an overzealous policeman). They were going to throw my girlfriend out of the show because somebody behind her passed a sparkler to her which she just threw on the floor and stamped out. I refused to budge and was arguing with the cop and he called for backup. I was shouting at him that he needed to back down and he was insisting that I was going to be ejected. As the odds swelled against me with what seemed like thousands of cops streaming in I turned around to the crowd and yelled "You all saw what happened, who's with me on this?" About 15 guys got up and stood behind me. Then it became a stand-off of bilical proportions. I won, I insisted I get to tell the supervisor my story over the radio, the lead cop agreed, the supervisor told them all to back off and drop it. The concert was incredible...

My son's birth was also a milestone of getting high on life. I could go on for days with stories... better stop here.
on Feb 26, 2003
"stand-off of bilical proportions" would of course be "biblical"
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