Well for me there are several:

1. When I was six I got my first game system.....Atari 2600

2. When I was about 9 or so, I had my first girlfriend....it lasted a whole lunch period

3. My teens were uneventful....other then getting in a fight with one of my teachers senior year, that made me popular for a whole week until I went back to the comfort of the dark and lonely corner of every classroom

4. Joined the Marines in `96....which scared the crap out of me. Got my head shaved and was butt naked getting yelled at

5. Shot an M1A1 Abrams during a desert excercise in `97

6. S. P. I. E. rigged off an LHD (looks like a small aircraft carrier). Basically your suspended on a rope attached to helo and you pretty much dangle there roughly 200-300 ft off the ground or in this case water.

7. Got married in `98 to my long time girlfriend :HOT

Many other but mostly military stuff.....I honestly wish I had more memories outside of my career but as I'm sure a lot of are in the same boat. My wife probably knows what they are so I'll ask her tonight. Alright someone else's turn
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on Feb 26, 2003
yeppers Green_Armani USCG Sheridan

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on Feb 26, 2003
their down out of San D right now, doing the memorial honor guard for those two Super F18 pilots that splashed last month, then heading down around below Mexico.

Not sure if they are passing through the canal, if so, they will probably go pull pickett and boarding like the first Gulf War. I guess one of the blue waters had a fire over there in the gulf that started in the engine room and took out part of the deck above so....

When he gets back I'll have to let him know and maybe you two can hook up to say hello He's a good kid, went in at 17, turned 18 and is still mostly boy playing at learning to be a man, but, still good people

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on Feb 27, 2003
Snowman just got a serious slap by the lill lady....

29: got married.....
on Feb 27, 2003
IPlural...........does your son happen live in Govt. housing over near Alameda Point? Cuz that's were I live.
on Feb 27, 2003
not yet, he's still on ship

and hates it, but I guess he does get over there and hang with some of the guys from post who do live there.

It might be a while before he gets that chance also
he had bought a Sony digital camcorder with night vision, and met up with this girl his age on ship. Anyway they got drunk and happy together and thought, hey, know what would be fun?

So he went down to San D to hang with a friend over the next weekend and someone popped his locker and was running the tape inthe day room and his Chief walked in and saw it. He's not leaving ship much these last couple of months

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on Feb 27, 2003
I've heard several sea stories of the like.....I'm sure your leaving a few details out......*wink*wink* Anyway, small world insn't it?
on Feb 27, 2003
Happy B-Day Elfie ... will talk about my life later... off to work now...
Just had to say Happy B-day to Elfie

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on Feb 27, 2003
Don't laugh...
okay it was when I was a kid and saw my first Rainbow hehe
(Stop laughing)

I thought is that for real? who made that? So beautiful (and seen one this morning too when I dropped my two lil boys off to school cuz it's been raining in Cali for a few days now, and I told them "Hey check out that Rainbow boys!" and of course I got the usual "Ohhh mommmm!"
(cuz they could care less) hehe

second most exciting happenings was when I grew up giving birth to new lives, can't even put that stuff into words.
on Feb 27, 2003
Doreen rainbows are natures paint pallet and giving birth, wow, it is something guys can only half imagine. But after being there twice, I can honestly say that passing a kidneystone looks a lot easier and less painful !!!

Green_Armani yeah it is my wife went wacky when I mentioned your stationed near him I keep trying to tell her he's in the service, he is on his own (so to speak) and he is growing up, so calling mommy every other day isn't a priority for him nore should it be

the first words out of her mouth was GREAT! Think he would go tell him to call home?

My son and I kept it to ourselves least his mother freak out on both of us. I get blamed because of the teens hanging out with him whenever he's home and he gets blamed for what he did

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